AP Computer Science
Learn to program in Java – starting with the absolute basics of putting text on the screen, and building through the ideas of control structures and formal logic, object oriented design, inheritance, polymorphism, and recursion!
1st Quarter
Unit 1: Jeroo
Due: September 2, 2022
An early introduction to the ideas of programming in Java through the use of a cool simulation called “Jeroo”.
Unit 2: Beginning Java
Due: September 23, 2022
The very start to Java programming! How to put text on the screen, create and store variables, and take user input.
Unit 3: Control Structures
Due: October 14, 2022
How to use the most important thing in programming: control structures like ‘if’, ‘else’, ‘for’, and ‘while’.
2nd Quarter
Unit 4: Object Oriented Design
Due: November 4, 2022
The ins-and-outs of Object Oriented Design, and a look at what makes Java one of the coolest languages around!
Unit 5: Arrays
Due: November 23, 2022
Storing information in a specific kind of list called an “array”. This tool lets us store lots of information very simply.
Unit 6: Individual Mini-Projects
Due: December 16, 2022
Take a chance to design and build your own small program to show off your new Java programming skills!
3rd Quarter
Unit 7: Array Lists
Due: January 20, 2023
Expand on the ideas arrays with a more effective and robust tool: the ArrayList! Get some practice using both.
Unit 8: Inheritance/Polymorphism
Due: February 17, 2023
Explore the connections that make Object Oriented Design as cool as it is. Inheritance & Polymorphism give us great new tools.
Unit 9: Grid World
Due: March 10, 2023
Look at how professionally made programs create really complex (and very cool) connections between classes & interfaces.
4th Quarter
Unit 10: AP Prep & Projects
Due: April 17, 2023
Develop a long-term project to finish up our school year while we also practice multiple choice & free response for the AP Test!
Unit 11: AP Prep & Projects 2
Due: April 28, 2023
Continue work on your final projectwhile we also practice multiple choice & free response for the AP Test!
Unit 12: Battle Bugs!
Due: May 12, 2023
After the AP Exam, we’ll develop our very own Battle Bugs and pit them against each other in a digital showdown!